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Now, We Bring the Training to You!

We will now bring the show to you!  Classes at your facility can be purchased right off of our product shopping page.

What we do...

We give Trainers the tools to:

  • Capture and hold student's attention longer.

  • Achieve better comprehension of lessons.

  • Increase student's ability to retain information and skills longer.

For more information or to enroll, click on Trainer above.

We give Team Builders the tools to:

  • Select compatible and effective team members.

  • Concentrate team focus on achieving the mission.

  • Drive team cohesiveness

  • Overcome inherent challenges of working in a team.

For more information or to enroll, click on Team Builder above.

"The best investment of my training time ever!"

Anonymous Team        Builder Student

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We give Presentation Builders the tools to:

  • Create PowerPoint presentations unlike most others in use today.

  • Build presentations that are effective visuals to support lessons rather than slides full of unreadable text.

  • Avoid the limitations and pitfalls of visual presentations and the dreaded "death by PowerPoint".

  • Display quantitative information in a graphically accurate manner.

For more information or to enroll, click on Presentation Builder above.

Why Mindfulness?

  • Mindfulness is a basic life skill that can have so many positive returns on both a person's professional and personal life.

  • We teach Jon Kabat-Zinn style  mindfulness to help people cultivate razor sharp focus and attention

For more information or to enroll,

click on Mindfulness above.

Mindfulness: just hours to learn but a lifetime to master.

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Return on Investment

Let's face it, your employees will only do as good of a job as you train them to do.  If you don't provide effective training, how can you expect efficient work in return?  Training is an investment in the business.  At Synchronicity, we help build highly effective trainers and team builders for your company so you can get the maximum return on your training investment.

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