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Mindfulness Training

Mindfulness is the practice of training and conditioning one's mind to stay in the present with razor sharp focus.

We know mindfulness!

The Questions:

Who is it for?

Mindfulness Training is for anyone. The benefits of mindfulness are beneficial in all lines of business and are far reaching past the workplace into the personal lives of every student.  


What is it?

Mindfulness is about being awake to the world and life.  More often than not, we are asleep to life, focusing instead on the myriad of thoughts, memories, and plans swirling around in our head.  Sometimes we are so taken in by what’s in our head we arrive at work without being able to remember the commute.  Mindfulness is about learning to turn off the autopilot and fully engage in each moment of our lives.  It is about shedding distraction and sharpening our focus to a razor’s edge.  Just like the training regimen of any athlete, it is a serious training program to condition and strengthen the mind to increase engagement, reduce stress and fatigue, and focus on living life rather than just passing blindly through it.


Why is it so effective?

We advocate the Jon Kabat-Zinn method of Mindfulness Training which has distilled down mindfulness techniques from their thousand year old origins steeped in mysticism and ritual to science based and proven techniques that are as effective today as they were ages ago.  These are simple techniques to learn for cultivating life changing mindfulness.


Where and when?

Synchronicity can bring the training to a location of your choice.  The basic and advanced training sessions each involve a 3 hour initial session and a 2 hour follow up session held approximately 14 days apart.  We recommend a location off-site from your location to reduce distraction and maximize effectiveness but can take the program mostly anywhere.  Contact us for details about the capabilities needed to conduct the training.


We also offer open enrollment classes. See the schedule below for location and dates of upcoming open enrollment classes.


How much?


We bring the class to you:

The question everyone always gets around to.  We feel that our fees our an excellent value for the product received, so we are never embarrassed to discuss them up front.

Basic Mindfulness

We will come to your location and teach up to 20 students both the 3 hour initial and the 2 hour follow up class (about 2 weeks apart) for a flat rate of $4280.  That includes our expenses and has no other hidden fees.  Up to 10 additional students can be added to the class for a separate fee per head. See our shopping page for more details.

Advanced Mindfulness

We will come to your location and teach up to 20 students both the 3 hour initial and the 2 hour follow up class (about 2 weeks apart) for a flat rate of $3880.  That includes our expenses and has no other hidden fees.  Up to 10 additional students can be added to the class for a separate fee per head. See our shopping page for more details.

Open enrollment:

Our open enrollment mindfulness classes include the 3 hour initial class and a follow up session approximately 2 weeks later for $210 per person.  See our shopping page for more details.

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We can bring the program right to your location!  Synchronicity recommends an off-site location from you facility for maximum effectiveness.  If you have questions about the room or capabilities needed to perform the program, please contact us at 1-800-988-1904

We deliver the best value!

Open Enrollment Classes

2021 dates to be announced soon

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