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Presentation Builder

"PowerPoint, if used well, would ideally reflect the way we think."

Steven Pinker

The Questions:


Who is it for?

Presentation Builder is for anyone that has the responsibility of building effective visual presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. This training goes far beyond the fundamental operation and use of PowerPoint and incorporates proven techniques for the visual presentation of quantitative and qualitative information as well as sound principles for visual learning.  Too often, we have heard about the dreaded "death by PowerPoint".  Let us show you how to build fabulous presentations that hold attention and assist in the learning process instead of distracting from it.


What is it?

Presentation Builder is our premiere product for providing proven tools that anyone can apply to building powerful  visual presentations for increased learning effectiveness during training. 


Why is it so effective?

Presentation Builder was developed by people just like you, people tired of being tortured by painful visual presentations that lacked visual appeal, communicated poorly, or were packed full of tiny text that no one was reading.  This program was developed based on years of experience and teaches techniques for building presentations that support presenters and trainers and bring their messages to life.


Where and when?

Synchronicity can bring the training right to a location of your choice.  A computer training lab is needed where each student has access to a computer with Microsoft PowerPoint.  We recommend a location off-site from your location to reduce distraction and maximize effectiveness but can take the program mostly anywhere.  Contact us for details about the capabilities needed to conduct the training.


See the schedule below for location and dates of upcoming open enrollment classes.


How much?


We bring the class to you:

The question everyone always gets around to.  We feel that our fees our an excellent value for the product received, so we are never embarrassed to discuss them up front. We will come to your location and teach up to 10 students for a flat rate of $6680.  That includes our expenses and has no other hidden fees.  Up to 20 additional students can be added to the class for a separate fee per head. See our shopping page for more details.


Open enrollment classes:

All of our 2 day programs are $700 per person.  See our shopping page for more details.

We can bring the program right to your location!  Synchronicity recommends an off-site location from you facility for maximum effectiveness.  If you have questions about the room or capabilities needed to perform the program, please contact us at 1-800-988-1904
Pittsburgh, PA
Columbus, OH
Sept. 22-23, 2020
Oct. 2020 dates coming soon

All open enrollment programs include lunch each day.

Open Enrollment Classes
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