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Give your employees better focus and clarity. Mindfulness Training is for anyone. The benefits of mindfulness are beneficial in all lines of business and are far reaching past the workplace into the personal lives of every student. Mindfulness is about learning to turn off the autopilot and fully engage in each moment of our lives. It is about shedding distraction and sharpening our focus to a razor’s edge. Just like the training regimen of any athlete, it is a serious training program to condition and strengthen the mind to increase engagement, reduce stress and fatigue, and focus on living life rather than just passing blindly through it.

Basic Mindfulness Training at your location for 20 students

SKU: MTB202005
  • This is a 2 day classroom session.  The first day is a 3 hour session covering the basics of what mindfulness is and the techniques used to get there.  The second session is a 2 hour follow-up session approximately 2 weeks after the first session to evaluate student progress, provide additional learning on the practice of mindfulness and to answer the many new questions student's are sure to have after several weeks of practice.

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