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Team Builder

"The ratio of We’s to I’s is the best indicator of the development of a team."

Lewis B. Ergen

The Questions:

Almost no one is formally

taught how to build a team.

They are just expected to do

it.  That's where we can help.


Who is it for?

Team Builder is for anyone that has the responsibility of taking a group of individuals and forging them into an effective team.  Who builds and implements the teams in your organization and drives their progress?  If the answer is "no one" then you definitely need a Team Builder.


What is it?

Team Builder is our premiere product for providing proven tools that anyone can apply to forging powerful and effective teams in the workplace. 


Why is it so effective?

Team Builder is a new way of thinking about how people form teams and work collaboratively in the workplace.  Teams don't form themselves, and they definitely won't reach peak efficiency without a leader who understands how to bring a team together and drive their productivity.  The principles of team building presented in the program are proven techniques, based partly on neuroscience, that have been used to build high powered teams from technicians, fire fighters, and engineers, to craftsmen, managers, and executives.


Where and When?

Contact us to schedule a class at your location. See our shopping page for more details.


How much?

The question everyone always gets around to.  We feel that our fees our an excellent value for the product received, so we are never embarrassed to discuss them up front. We will come to your location and teach up to 10 students for a flat rate of $6680.  That includes our expenses and has no other hidden fees.  Up to 20 additional students can be added to the class for a separate fee per head. See our shopping page for more details.

We can bring the program right to your location!  Synchronicity recommends an off-site location from you facility for maximum effectiveness.  If you have questions about the room or capabilities needed to perform the program, please contact us at 1-800-988-1904

We deliver the best value.

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